Three Real Fleet Equipment Challenges Overcome with DLL Tailored Financial Solutions
“We continually build on our existing experience and understanding within the industry, to come up with realistic values. Customers simply don’t get this depth of knowledge and understanding when they go to other leasing companies, or banks.”
Herwin Bolijn, Industry Risk Officer, DLL
Exceptional global service from DLL
We know that what sets DLL apart from other financial partners is a wealth of knowledge, 20 years’ experience, a global presence, and a thorough approach to the customer’s challenge. But as a customer looking to finance equipment or vehicles for your fleet, how can this help you?
Hear from our Fleet Solutions experts
Watch Key Account Manager, Guido Guiking, an expert in financing for intralogistics solutions and for new types of energy, introduce our blog exploring how DLL’s experience and close business understanding help overcome real fleet equipment challenges.
Expert Spotlight
“ There is nothing that highlights DLL expertise like reviewing the figures in context and knowing you can offer a solution where others refused.”
Herwin Bolijn
Industry Risk Officer, DLL
"DLL can finance every part of the automation process of an operation, including racking, equipment, and even software, such as telematics and warehouse management systems."
Guido Guiking
Key Account Manager, Fleet Solutions, DLL
Meet our Fleet Solutions experts and hear how they can help you tackle fleet equipment challenges with innovative financial solutions.
DLL understands the unique needs of our customers around the word and offers proven solutions to help business thrive.