Disclosure in relation to the purchase or use of voluntary carbon offsets

The Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures Act, Assembly Bill No. 1305 (“AB-1305”), was signed into law in California on October 7, 2023, and DLL, as a 100% subsidiary of Rabobank Group discloses below specified information related to the purchase or use of voluntary carbon offsets sold or marketed in California.

The following disclosure is made pursuant to this and was last updated on 17 December 2024:

44475.1 – Purchase or use of voluntary carbon offsets

DLL as part of the Rabobank Group is committed to identifying carbon removal and emissions avoidance projects that follow the highest environmental and social standards and that reflect our responsibility to comply. Carbon removal and emission avoidance projects in scope of the VCMDA are noted below based on 2023 data:

Number of carbon credits* 6.460 25.488 9.520 680
Supplier Fuatres Elektrik Üretim A.Ş Climate Neutral Group Rabobank, Acorn Climate Neutral Group
Registry Gold standard Gold standard Plan Vivo Puro.earth
Identification GS ID 2546 GS3404, GS6275, GS6411, GS7576 Acorn2023.008.001, Acorn2023.008.002 PURO 954
Project name Mut Wind Power Plant Bio Digestor Program Acorn Green Biochar Bolivia
Project type Avoided emissions Avoided emissions Carbon removal Carbon removal
Site location Turkey India Kenya Bolivia
Protocol Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol Methodology approved by the Plan Vivo Foundation Puro.earth biochar protocol
Third-party verification Independently verified by Re Carbon Ltd. Carbon Department. Independently verified by LGAI Technological Center, S.A (contracted by INSEDA Engineers and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. & First Climate Markets AG). Independently verified by Preferred by Nature OÜ. Third-party verification by an auditor against the specific methodology for biochar.

*1 credit compensates for 1000kg CO2 emissions