In 2020, businesses quickly pivoted to support remote working, and many had predicted a 100% work-from-home future beyond the pandemic. However, organizations began to realize that there are significant benefits in adopting a hybrid approach with an in-office option.
The pandemic has taught us that a one-size-fits all approach won’t work in either direction: fully remote or fully in-person. In developing reopening plans, businesses have had to prioritize safety above everything else. With that in mind, there is a need for additional pieces of equipment and resources to ensure that employees feel safe and health risks are mitigated.
Willis Towers Watson’s Reopening the Workplace survey highlights the safety trends in today’s environment. There is an increased focus on developing reopening policies, safety protocols, listening strategies to understand employees’ needs, investments into PPE, biometric screening, and structures for workplace exposure. The results showed that 54% of organizations plan to purchase and use thermal scans at the entrance of their offices, and 18% plan to do remote or on-site PCR tests to control exposure